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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

County raises fees rather than cut expenses.

The Star carries yet another article on raising fees as opposed to cutting expenses. It (article) also pinpoints another fact of political life; the Board of Supervisors approved the fee increase Tuesday on a 3-2 party-line vote. Democratic Supervisors Ramón Valadez, Sharon Bronson and Richard Elías voted for the increase. Republican Supervisors Ann Day and Ray Carroll voted no.

Whether we like it or not, the only way to cut expenses is to expel Democrats from office. The Democratic Agenda states that “every American, whatever their background or station in life, should have the chance to get a good education, to work at a good job with good wages, to raise and provide for a family, to live in safe surroundings, and to retire with dignity and security”. I cannot argue or fault this agenda except that history supports me when I say that "what it fails to state is that they will raise taxes on ever class of individual to see that their goals are attained.”

Sorry to be the one to continue to “cry wolf”, but I again reference the quote regarding the fall of democracy; “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.

Think that I am a little paranoid on this issue? You can bet your sweet tush on it! Just check the Star today for City of Tucson’s plan for raising the city sales tax. The voting council is made up of 5 Democrats and 1 Republican and has essentially been controlled by the Democrats since 2005. The city budget has almost doubled in those last 5 years and they have grown the government at a greater rate than that.

On a larger scale, a much larger scale I must add, the Star buries the article on additional expenses to the new Obama health care costs that raise the costs by $115 billion to over $1 trillion.

So it is just business as usual for the Democrats in control, “tax and spend” with nary a care about you or me; except of course that they profess to be doing what they do for the good of the community. Doesn’t anyone think about balancing the budget by reducing expenses instead of raising taxes?

Oh, by the way. If cutting teachers and supplies isn’t bad enough, the TUSD Governing Board approved a salary change for the superintendent's Cabinet members that will result in an additional $2,000 to their current $6,000 community-service stipends.

For my 2¢ worth, we need to review our voting habits, urge our politicians to cut spending and stop taxing, and last but not least: VOTE NO ON PROP 100.

1 comment:

SLT said...

I am also in favor of cutting expenses versus charging more money through increased taxes or prices. I think cutting expenses works just fine if not better and its about determining what we need vs what we want...
