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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where were John McCain and Jon Kyl when Ft. Huachuca lost 1,200 jobs?

Are the illustrious Senators from Arizona cloutless, or maybe clueless? Or were they relying on District 8 representative Gabrielle Giffords to put up the battle for jobs? Obviously someone was asleep at the wheel while the wheeling and dealing to shift these jobs from Ft. Huachuca to Ft. Bliss in El Paso went on. And probably behind closed doors. In any event we are shocked at the loss of these jobs but more so at the ineptness of our elected officials to prevent it. With any luck at all this can be averted if the process has to go before any other committees before it is finalized. As a previous business owner in Sierra Vista I am well aware of the impact Ft. Huachuca has on the economics of the community. Ft. Huachuca is the "heart and soul" of the economics there and this loss, if approved, will be devastating. All Arizona must rise up and let our legislators know that this cannot be tolerated.

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