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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama aims tirade at banks, insurance companies and Wall Street.

Obama awakened with a loss of the super-majority headache on Wednesday. He had just lost the support of Massachusetts in his quest for supreme dominance and was being backed into a corner from all quarters. What to do in this time of despair? You reasoned that the only real course of action was to take the offensive. Start by pitting Americans against each other. Start with class warfare. Lash out at your new found nemesis, "big banks, health insurance companies and Wall Street" and this hue and cry will rally the troops behind you.

Well Mr. Obama, it's not going to work. Massachusetts pretty much resonates the mood of the country and it's your policies that we are against. You and your policies of Big Brother taking over and mandating an agenda of Obama "change" is what's unwelcome. While you focussed on healthcare you did indeed lost touch with America and America in turn lost faith in you. To start with, we are sick and tired of watching you on TV. You have become a Democratic soap opera and we have tuned you out. I am sure you have, but I will ask anyways. Have you ever watched yourself on TV. You come across as a pompous, arrogant and opinionated jerk, looking down your nose at all of us. You try to make us feel that we are inadequate as a nation and without you and your policies we are destined to implode.

Want a little advice from an old dude? Lighten up. Get in touch with America and out of touch with your political gurus and machine. Find out what is happening out there. We aren't looking for government handouts or more stimulous packages; which by the way are viewed as nothing more than ploys. Other than government jobs, how many private jobs can you take credit for. And, we sure as hell aren't looking for scapegoats. Do you really think that you can blame this on the banks, insurance companies and Wall Streett in an attempt to take the spotlight off of a bungled healthcare plan. Everything each of these entities does is mandated under rules and regulations that you and yours have mandated. You and yours reflects past and present just so you don't feel that I am pinning this on just you. Look back over the past 50 years, but more specifically the last 20 and you will find that banks, insurance companies and Wall Street have operated under governmaent mandated regulations. And no, it is not necessary to elaborate on each issue because we all know what we are talking about. In general it was lax oversight by Congress when they mandated the lowering of qualifications for lending that started the whole financial fiasco. End of story, beginning of mess.

Do I have solutions? We all do but it appears that you and Congress are not interested in hearing them, so, we will continue sending them, albeit via more Scott Brown's to Congress.

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