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Sunday, January 10, 2010

“Turns out Hillary Rodham Clinton was right all along,” declared Charles Hurt, Washington, D.C. bureau chief for the New York Post.

Obama is a "WIMP" (capital letters) on terrorism. Actually it's starting to look like he is an all around wimp but that is another post in itself. For now I will stick to "Terrorism". I have to admit that Hillary and a few others were right on about this. First he goes to the mid east and tells them that America wants to be their friend. Then he goes to Europe and extends an apology for our "Arrogance". Now he says we don't connect the dots????? Well friends, I connected the dots and they point out that our eloquant speaking president is nothing more than that. An eloquent speaker. That equates to "all talk and no substance". Maybe Harry Reid, (D) Nevada, Senate Majority whip was right after all??????

Check out what Charles Hurt with the New York Post has to say about this issue.

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