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Sunday, January 24, 2010

David Gregory is a "woose".

Remember the "good old days" when Tim Russett sat before us each Sunday morning as the moderator for the Meet the Press program. We spent an hour in front of the TV watching as he fearlessly waded through the issues and held his guest's feet to the fire. He asked the tough questions and would not let them off the hook until they gave him a straight answer. He just had a certain way about him and he captivated his audience with his knowledge of every subject he took on. Above all, he treated every guest with respect and dignity, man or woman, Republican, Democrat, Independent, President or other. Tim Russett was truly, one of a kind.

Enter David Gregory. Is it just me, or does he have a Liberal preference? For over a year now I have watched the program and find that I am less and less enthused about whether or not I watch. It's not that he isn't likeable, it just appears to me that he has a Liberal agenda and is biased. Being biased is one thing, but having it show through is another and that takes fairness out of the equation. Take for instance the way he interviews certain guests. Have you noticed that he is more likely to dig at a female guest than he is a male, or that he is more likely to demand a specific answer from a Republican guest as opposed to a Democratic guest? Fearful that this just might be my conservative bias, I have posed this same question to others and more often than not I get concurring opinions. For instance today I watched as he interviewed President Obama's Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett. Nothing of surprise here and certainly some eyebrow raising when she stated that they, the Democrats and Obama, had "turned the economy around". They had also "brought it back from the brink of disaster" and his new policies are to focus on the "middle class". No tough responses from David, just "ok" and he moves on to his next question. No questions about how is it being done. Just move on to his next question. Tim would have grilled each and every point that Valerie Jarret glibly rolled off of her tongue. Not David, just roll on to the next question. Seems to me that he is more concerned with quantity as opposed to quality.

Next, enter Senate Republican Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). David starts by attempting to clarify that there are no Republicans that will support Obama. Is there a conspiracy to just derail the President? He has a confrontational response to everything Senator McConnell has to say. David repeatedly asks, "is healthcare dead"? McConnell responds that the American public is against this plan and David just skips around that and wants to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans. David, what part of "a majority of Americans are against this plan" don't you understand? David then continues to focus on his preconceived notion that Republicans are anti Obama. In the end, it is back to quantity as opposed to quality.

You can visit the following website and watch for yourself.

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