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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama back on track; one-way track that is.

I'm sure that we've all heard the expression; "My way or the highway?" This idiom is used to say that if people don't do what you say, they will have to leave or quit the project, etc.

Well in the case of Obama and the Dems is means that; "the American public should sit back and watch, because "we" know what is best for you and "we" are going to get "our" healthcare bill passed, and yes, without your approval.
I noted in todays local newspaper that the Associated Press published a column stating that the Dem leaders were uniting in hopes of saving their healthcare bill. The article goes on to say that Obama, who initially voiced doubts about it's viability, now seems to be pushing for it. This "quick strike", as it is referred to, involves using a special budget procedure to revise the Senate bill. Known as reconciliation, it would allow a majority of 51 senators to amend their bill. This would circumvent the need for a 60-vote majority to hold off Republicans and Obamacare would go to the Oval office for Obama's signature. The classic end run in football reenacted in Congress.
Wake up folks, it's politics as usual. Forget that everything out there shows that we the people are opposed to this specific bill. Forget that the bluest of Democratic states voted in a republican senator who ran on a platform opposing this healthcare bill, and who won an overwhelming victory. All that matters is their "agenda" and that agenda continues to mandate that they know what is best for us, and that means cramming things down our throats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Socialism at its best!