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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The verdict is in.

The verdict is in and it says "enough is enough".

Scott Brown wins in Massachusetts; a stunning upset of the Democrat political machine. The man who said it was not Ted Kennedy's seat, it was the seat of the people, has pulled off a victory of major magnitude in the holy grail of Democrat land. In a victory speech he made it clear that he was the peoples choice and Obama's change was headed out the door. The citizens of Massachusetts made it quite clear that they had it up to here with the Obama change, but especially with the healthcare plan being negotiated behind closed doors. Obama, who ran on a platform of change and transparency ended up eating crow after he agreed to deal after deal with any and everyone who could put up a roadblock to his "down your throat" or "up yours" health plan. Brown's victory(actually a landslide), in the "bluest of blue" Democrat strongholds, upsets the applecart for the administration. Not only does it take away the 60 vote majority, it certainly will bring about the "change" that Obama so aptly refers to. Unfortunately for him and his "machine" it was not what he envisioned. The people of Massachusetts have sent a clear signal to the President; "America has had it with him and his arrogant disregard for the wishes of the people". However, both Harry Reed, majority Senate leader and Nancy Peloci, House Leader say they will ram this through before Mr. Brown can be seated to "upset the applecart". They have suggested that the House will just approve the Senate bill in it's current illegal form and that is all there is to it. Oblivious to what we the people say, the Democratic controlled Congress marches on.

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