2010 provides us an opportunity to change the way we allow our representatives to govern. Am I the only one that is concerned with the “professional politician” concept of government? I have no doubt, as well as most of you, that most of the newly elected officials go there with a firm belief that they will make a difference. But it just doesn’t happen that way. They get there and some good ole boy/girl takes them under their wing and they are quickly led down the primrose lane. They are indoctrinated into the tax and spend syndrome and before long they are convinced that it is the duty of every elected official to get their fair share of wealth for the folks back home. All supposedly under the guise of solving America’s problems. And the next thing you know it is time to run for re-election and they parade out the tally sheet to show how they have benefitted their constituency.
Well, they have brought us to the brink of disaster and we need to push back. They point fingers at every thing except themselves. Senators and Representatives alike are responsible for the financial mess because of legislation that they wrote in the 90’s and now the same buffoons are in charge of writing new legislation to correct the problem.
The day of reckoning has come: Election Year 2010. The Constitution should have clearly delineated that “we, the People” meant “we, the Voters” and stuck with it.
I ran across a website recently, VOID and was impressed with where they seemed to be headed. They start with the premise that we need to throw every incumbent out of office and start anew. It is an interesting concept and has been bouncing around for a month or so. They expound that:
The power of the vote is to remove persons from power. Without the vote, those in power will elect to remain in power, without any help from us,
The vote is the power our Constitution provides the people to direct their elected representatives and shape the results of government. A vote for an incumbent seeking reelection is a vote in support of the government that politician has participated in, and results of that participation. A vote against an incumbent, and for a challenger, is a vote for change in government, and the results that came from it, thus
Their goal is to force politicians to earn the anti-incumbent voter's vote through responsible action in government reflecting the best interests of the American people and the nation's future.
They go on to say that “One of our greatest challenges is the assumption held by more than 50 million American voters that someone else will fix this for them, or worse, that their representatives will. However, unless “YOU” take an active role, little to nothing will change in how our government operates, and our growing national problems will only worsen. And yes, things can get very much worse than they are already are. If you don't participate and volunteer to change things for the better, how can you logically expect others to?
So what is wrong with throwing them all out? Think about that but you must also be objective with your analysis. I guess that the first thing that comes up is the fear of a bunch of political novices running the country. Do you really think it could be any worse than what we have in there now. “Pandering and Philandering” is what we appear to have now, so maybe naivety would be a blessing. Business people, including accountants, might serve us better than attorneys. Laws would then be written in English instead of legalese. No more “Yes” is really “No” and “No” is really “Yes” propositions. I could go on and on, but if you are truly interested in helping solve the problems of this country you need to do the work yourself. And no, you don’t have to agree with me or anyone else, you just have to think it through and go VOTE.
For my southern Arizona constituents, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Dem.(representing Arizona’s 27th District)27 called for a boycott of all Arizona business today to demonstrate his displeasure with the State legislation on illegal immigration reform. And yes, both he and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Dem.(representing Arizona’s 8th District) voted for the healthcare legislation that will raise the taxes on every American.
Voters in 2008 turned out at a record rate of 61.7% across the US; while Arizona voters turned out at a dismal 56.2%. There were only 4 other states with a lower turnout than us and that my friends is pathetic given the importance of governing. For you 43.8% who failed to show, I can only surmise that you had something very important to do or were dreadfully ill.
If you can’t figure it out for yourself, take the easy road and vote for the “newbie” and let’s get started on a new path.